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This mod adds a handy little button that enables you to easily decline all diplomatic proposals minus ultimatums. It's always worth keeping in mind that updates can break mods and it's up to their creators' to update them to the game's latest version, which may or may not happen.

It will undoubtedly grow over the coming weeks and months, which is why checking back regularly is a good idea, but for now, have a look at some picks that caught our eye. Initially, we're looking at a handful of small but very useful tweaks to different gameplay elements, but bigger mods are more than certainly on the way. With Steam Workshop support now live, our list of the best Total War: Warhammer III mods is also steadily starting to take shape. Total War: Warhammer 3 mod/Steam Workshop support release date: April 5.On March 18, Creative Assembly confirmed that it is aiming to release Total War: Warhammer III's Steam Workshop support alongside patch 1.1. This allows us to focus on building a strong and stable foundation in these initial weeks, and paves the way for a smooth release of these tools in the future." "We’re scheduling the Assembly Kit, Steam Workshop support, and the Mod Manager for an upcoming release. "The game released today with only the first stage of the modding functionality we intend to offer with WARHAMMER III, as the game can run modded pack-files," it wrote on the Total War forums earlier in February.